Bryd Tavsheden (Break the Silence) is an association that helps children and adolescents in Denmark, who are exposed to violence.
In Bryd Tavsheden we inform of and prevent childhood exposure to violence and intimate partner violence among adolescents. Furthermore, we provide help and professional counseling for those children and adolescents, who have been subjected to violence either by a family member or by a partner.
In our preventative work, we inform children and adolescents about the scope and consequences of violence by means of awareness campaigns, seminars at schools, a creative contest and other events. Our consultative work comprises professional counselling via our five different platforms.
We stand for strong professionalism and warmth, and our objectives are:
“Actively helping children and young people who are victims of physical or psychological violence from family or from a relationship, to recognize and acknowledge their situation, seek help and act upon it. We strive to offer this help through targeted prevention and professionally sound advice via all relevant channels “